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the world is a mess i know

Uncategorized May 17, 2024

"The world is wild I know 

Women are dying every week, and others put on a show 

My heart breaks

My voice shakes 

The only thing I can control 

is creating safety within my soul 

So I pause 

I breathe


Trying to remember the practices to help 

That I believe 

In moments of unbearable tension

I cannot remember those lessons 

So I yell 

I stomp 

I scream 

Releasing the emotion 

I do not care if I'm seen


The world is fucked I know 

Over 30 Australian women died this year alone 

Many of them by men they knew, and others in senseless hatred of women they didn't even know

1 in 4 women, that's how many of us experience domestic violence in our lifetime 

As you can see, this is so much more than a rhyme 

This is real life; it was my life 


Climbing out of the deep dark hole of domestic violence and depression that comes with it is hard 

Creating safety within is only a start 

 We can do more; we can do better 

Supporting places that help women like The Haven is something we can do for her 

We do it for our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends

So that we know that this is not the way that any of their lives will end


The world is a mess I know

But we can make a change 

Let's make it so"


- Kai Nyx / Krystal Lee Guymer



If you didn't see our email sent last week, it's important to know that Nin Yoga is partnering with The Haven - Women and Children Shelter, to raise awareness and funds for their vital services throughout May.


We want women in our community to know there are options if they are in an abusive relationship, whether it's psychological, financial, verbal, emotional, or physical.


We also wanted to share the impact The Haven has had on the lives of those who live or have lived with domestic and family violence.


The Haven has helped over 416 women and children in its six years of operation, providing 24,970 bed nights. These numbers represent more than just statistics—they represent hope, resistance, and transformation.

What is even more remarkable is that only two women have returned back to their partners during this time. This means that 99.5% of The Havens clients are breaking the cycle of domestic violence and rebuilding their lives successfully.


This is the power of community support and the invaluable services organizations like The Haven provide. Your contribution can help ensure that more women and children can access the resources and support they need to reclaim their lives.


Your contribution makes a world of difference.


Click the button below to be part of the healing journey for many.


And on that note, do you have some space next Friday?


One of our Yoga teachers, Kai Nyx, who specialises in Japanese and Yin Yoga and wrote the poem at the beginning of this email, will be hosting a workshop. All of the profits will also go to The Haven.


It's on the 17th of May, 7 pm - 8:30 pm at our Nin Yoga Penrith Studio.


Her workshop will be themed around finding The Safety Within, using tools found in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yoga that can help support our nervous system when we are in need of our own regulation.




We will continue to talk about this exceptionally important subject within our community for all of May, including reminders to make your donation either by clicking the direct link or booking into one of the 3 workshops we have coming up in support of it.


If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic or family violence, you can reach out to The Haven for immediate support by clicking here.


Continue to look out for yourself and all those around you, and speak again soon.


Annika xx


P.S. We have two more workshops coming up, with all profits also going towards The Haven, Floating Sound Healing on the 28th of May, and Yoga Healing on the 31st of May.


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