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3 jewels & 1 of them is you 💎

Uncategorized Nov 20, 2024

Hello there! 😊




I’m Karen Gruber. We may have met at one of the Nin Yoga studios, or perhaps we are simply yet to cross paths.




Either way, I’m excited to start popping into your inbox each month along side Annika and Samantha to share a few thoughts and stories from my own yoga journey.




To start, I thought I’d tell you a little about how yoga led me here, typing away from my home in Western Sydney.




Since I was 16, I’ve practiced yoga and meditation in many forms, always drawn to self-discovery. I believe this is a part of my dharma (otherwise known as "life-calling").




This journey took me all over the world!




As I looked back while I was contemplating what to write in this newsletter, I realised that it often felt like I was on a solo quest for inner truth.

Sure, there were people, friends and even community but deep down my goal was to understand myself.




I honestly always believed that this was a one person job- who else is meant to know what I’m thinking and feeling?




My roots in Buddhist teachings meant I held close the concept of the Three Jewels: Buddha (the teacher), Dharma (universal truth), and Sangha (community).




I have taken refuge in the Three Jewels and wholeheartedly embraced these teachings… but just between you and me, I’m going to be honest about what was happening for me beneath the surface.


Buddha- Wow!


Dharma- Wow!


Sangha - Cool, yup. They are there. Noice.


For years, I embraced the teachings and wisdom but would keep to myself when it came to the community side of things—Sangha for me was just “other people.”



Then I began yoga teacher training.




And what began as a personal journey grew into something more.




Slowly, those I practiced with became friends. Over time they became my confidants and people I could genuinely be myself and explore who I wanted to become with.


 I came to understand the beauty of Sangha—of sharing, supporting, and celebrating with others—and it enriched my experience with Buddha and Dharma all the more.



Embracing Sangha opened up so many opportunities and doors for me, and in turn I have been able to offer back to the community.




That is part of the reason I am sitting here writing this newsletter. 




In yoga, you might also hear the word Satsang which means coming together for devotion and growth. You could find your Sangha in a yoga class, a chess club, surfing, or anywhere you feel connected to your passions.




My message for you today Jenny?




Enjoy your own personal journey, but stay open to community; you never know where it might lead.




I am so very grateful for my Sangha, and if you are looking for somewhere to start connecting with a community and not sure where to begin, I warmly welcome you to come and be part of this one.




With love and light,
Karen Gruber


(Teacher & Studio Manager here at Nin Yoga)


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