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Tell Us What You REALLY Think

annika seigi nin yoga Mar 19, 2024

Fun Fact:


Nin Yoga is a yoga studio.


Yoga studios are businesses.


And for a business to do better and be better in this world, we need to listen to those we are trying their best to serve in the first place.



And what better way to find out what you think of us than with the classic online feedback form?


Unfortunately, I'm not creative enough to make it sound even remotely exciting.


I can, however, promise you we will do something exciting with the information 🥳



Anyone is welcome to fill in this form.


New, old, or current students.


We would really appreciate it and I personally promise to read every single reply. If we notice trends, we will even start to pivot accordingly.


Change is the essence of life. We need to be open to receiving feedback, for it is through gentle adjustments and shifts that we find balance and growth in this yoga studio, in this yoga practice, and within ourselves.


All feedback will be kept confidential too of course.


Thank you so much for your time 🧡


- Annika & the Nin Yoga team 


Want to support our small business for FREE?

We would LOVE a Google review for our St Marys or Penrith Studio.

They give us bellyflops and happy tears 🧡


50% Complete

Two Step

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