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just WOW 😲

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2024

Trigger warning: the following email speaks about domestic and family violence, and also a little bit about having a 5-year-old.

To listen to this newsletter instead, click here.


We snuck into your inbox each week for the month of May to talk about domestic violence in Western Sydney and how local women and children's shelter The Haven needed your help.

And because of exceptionally generous humans in our community, we raised this much...




According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 1 in 6 women experience physical violence, 1 in 4 women experience emotional abuse, 1 in 6 women experience economic abuse, and 1 in 5 women experience sexual violence.


Looking up and then rewriting these statistics puts my heartbeat in my throat. I am not ready to share my own personal experience in this area (as I was planning to do initially), but I do feel ok to at least continue to bring it to light.


So, THANK YOU for allowing us to confront what is happening in the lives of those closest to us.


A special shout out to Kai Nyx, Karen Gruber, Sonam Tsegurung, Dannielle McDonald, and Brittany Kelly for hosting our charity workshops for the month of May, as well as Mary Mercado, Marti Zivkovich, Tiffany Lee-Shoy, Vanessa McGrath, Paul Alvares, Zoie Close, Irene Walker, Mary Backhouse, and the seven either anonymous donors who generously contributed to the cause via this link.



Also, a disclaimer: we TOTALLY GET IT. Times are tricky, and it is not everyone's capacity to donate. THIS IS OK, TOO! We can't give from an empty bucket. Do what you need to do to fill up yours first 🙏🏽


Continuing to read these emails and support our community in visits, stories, and shares HELPS US to then do stuff like this, too ❤️❤️❤️


And to continue to leave you this week with more warm and fuzzy feelings in the belly (because grief and glimmers can and do coexist), I took my 5-year-old daughter to one of these workshops last week. It was a 75-minute sound healing. I was like, "No way she will stay the whole 75 minutes... she will lay down for maybe 10 minutes max and get bored and ask to go color in on the reception desk..."


...She stayed for the whole time while we listened to the sound of bowls, ocean drums, and chanting while giving me big hugs and kisses 😭


It is a core memory that will stay with us for life. It was a wonderful reminder of the power of the classes we share in the studio.





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