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taking action with whats important

Uncategorized May 10, 2024

Its crucial that the woman in our community know that there are options if they are in an relationship that is psychologically, financially, verbally, emotionally, and/or physically abusive.


Domestic and family violence still remains a hidden secret to many. Its a silent epidemic that often goes noticed until it is way too late, with one woman killed every single week.


Behind every single nightmare of a headline, there are thousand of incidents of domestic and family violence that still goes unreported, which in turn impacts lives in way we often can not even imagine.


This is why we are reaching out to the community today, as this month is Domestic & Family Violence awareness month.


We have partnered with our beautiful friends at The Haven, a woman's and children's shelter in Penrith, to raise funds for all those who are impacted and seek refuge there.


It provides crisis accommodation and support for women and children escaping domestic and family violence, offering a lifeline to those who really need it, and as a community funded organisation, they rely on non-government assistance to continue their crucial work.


The Havens Executive Officer, Sam, has recorded a special message to give you more insight into what The Haven does. You can watch that here.


Our goal as a Yoga Studio is to raise at least $1000 to ensure that The Haven can continue their vital work in providing safety and support to woman and children escaping violence.


Every single dollar brings us closer to ensuring no one has to spend another night in fear. Click the button below to make a direct donation.




And on that note, do you have some space next Friday?


One of our Yoga teachers, Kai Nyx, who specialises in Japanese and Yin Yoga, will be hosting a workshop, with all of the profit also going to The Haven.


Its on the 17th of May, 7pm - 8:30pm at our Nin Yoga Penrith Studio.


Her workshop will be themed around finding The Saftey Within, using tools found in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yoga that can help support our nervous system when we are in need of our own regulation.






We will continue to talk about this exceptionally important subject within our community for all of May, including reminders to make your donation either by clicking the direct link or booking into one of the 3 workshops we have coming up in support of it.


If you or someone you know is experience domestic or family violence, you can reach out to The Haven for immediate support by clicking here.


Continue to look out for yourself and all those around you, and speak again soon.


Annika xx


P.S We have two more workshops coming up, with all profits also going towards The Haven, Floating Sound Healing on the 28th of May and Yoga Healing on the 31st of May.



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