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you are the who

Uncategorized Nov 27, 2024

Its feels pretty dang marvellous for Karen, Samantha and I to continue to write emails each week literally about how this community can get involved in doing good, sharing the actual goodness and just all around love to serve and work together type of vibes.


This year for me has been the year of business books (my not so secret and a little embarrassing obsession), and I just started a new one this morning (my favourite time to listen to books is while the rest of the house is sleeping in) called "Who Not How".


Putting together 118 bags (we have a few more to pack before Friday so that number wil go up!) was very much a who rather than a how.


The project was lead by Mary who volunteers with Share the Dignity every single year and is a "Shero", someone who knows the drill on collecting the essential seven and can give the bags straight to those who need it most.


It all happened with the assistance of a handful of our teachers and community to promote, including Karen, Samantha, Emily, as well help packing on the day from Belinda, Corrine, Charlotte, Sonam, Suzie Q, Skye, Marys Mumma, Shirley and my own family of four (I say four but really it was Aaron looking after the two year old while she over watered the plants on the balcony for 3 hours, and myself helping the 5 year old spell so she can write love letters to put in each of the bags).




Thankyou to everyone who put the time and resources together to collect the seven essentials and get it to a studio. Some of you went as far as reaching out to your own community and bringing in boxes of already sorted toiletries. Wow!!


You are the WHO not the HOW. it is within each other that we can do these profound things 🩷


Thankyou for all that you do,


Annika xx


P.S We have another Restorative Aerial Yoga & Sound Healing Workshop to raise much needed funds for the Animal Welfare League NEXT FRIDAY, 6th December 7:30pm to 9pm at Nin Yoga St Marys. You can check out the Facebook event here, or go direct to purchase tickets here (ill also remind you again next week!)


P.P.S Did you know we have an online retail store? We literally finished setting it up yesterday! We plan to do a sale on the site this weekend to celebrate and we will send an email later in the week about that one.


P.P.S For the Yin & Meditation lovers out there, we also just finalised a 50 hour training in the wonderful thing! We will release a special early bird price JUST to our newsletter list in the next few weeks too ;)


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