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Am I an Imposter?

I can be a total imposter sometimes.


I know that I have talked about the benefits of staying focused a lot in this newsletter, but trust me, it's more often than not a reminder to myself.


I want to do everything. There is just so much coolness out there. This shows on our schedule too (anyone else wants to do YOGA and BARRE, and PILATES and AERIAL all within the same walls 😂?).


The same goes for books. I've just counted in my head that I am in the middle of reading four at the moment (two of them for a 2nd time which are both on business, another one on the holocaust, and then this one, which is the only one I have actually gone for this past week as I am enjoying it much more than I expected and have been actioning every chapter as I read them, sorry to anyone who lives with me).


I started teaching daytime yoga classes a couple of weeks ago, and the process of writing class plans usually comes from...

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