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Lets get awkward 😬

Hey hey Friends,


I sit here in the St Mary's studio reception, staring at the blinking cursor, wondering... oh gosh, what the freak am I going to write about this week?


I'll let you in on a little secret... this happens every week (also often happens before I write any class plan!)


I dwell on the subject over the weekend but seem always to be writing this thing at the last minute.


Looking around for inspiration, I start answering emails (not so inspiring), which then remind me to reply to our Google reviews.

We got a bunch last week (thank you, you know who you are!), even though I got the notification to reply immediately. I didn't.


So, I'll let you in on another little secret... I find compliments really uncomfortable.


My partner knows this too. He compliments me all the time cause he's lame and I guess cute like that, and I never know what to say back. I just look at him with a blank and awkward stare like he got some Nori stuck in...

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Plannin aint doin, just saying 🌱

Welcome to story telling time,


Six years ago, I put together a business plan, which was six lines long.


A few weeks back, I sought somewhere to take notes in my still-in-process conversion of the Art Studio at Penrith, which is also becoming the main Nin Yoga HQ.


When I first inspected the Penrith Studio almost three years ago, my intention was either to live there or set up my office there. Considering that the first option is technically "illegal", we purchased some Acacia Timer benchtops from Bunnings, screwed on some Ikea legs, and turned the massive room next to the yoga studio floor into an art studio slash collaborative workspace. A couple years in, I'm heavily pregnant with my 2nd, and the organized chaos needs to move back home for that WFH life.

But heck, she is one now, and enticing at-home distractions such as "What's making the floor sticky", "Why is my neighbor yelling" and "Did I spin that load? I'll just quickly do it again" will be...

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