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Uncategorized May 29, 2024

Trigger warning, the following email speaks about domestic and family violence.


Over the weekend we hosted workshop number two to raise money for domestic and family violence prevention appeal month.



We are also thrilled to thank you for your generosity and support; we have raised $1286.90 so far!


If you have already donated or attended one of the workshops, your contribution has made a meaningful impact on the survivors of domestic and family violence in our community. Together, we have helped to provide vital resources and support to women and children in need within our community, giving them the possibility for a future without abuse.


Being a victim of this kind of stuff is just straight-up awful and horrible and never ok. I have seen some of my closest friends and family be victims for what is, more often than not, YEARS.


This is not to say these women are not resilient and brave, but it is to say that what is even harder than being a victim of abuse is to LEAVE THE SITUATION.

These women and children need options. They need reminders and support as to why they CAN do this.


Let them know by attending a workshop or donating that resources and people are ready when they are.


Floating Sound Healing with Karen & Sonam

Tuesday 28th May at 7:15pm at the St Marys Studio (1 SPOT LEFT!)

Float around in a sling and do nothing while Karen guides you through meditation and Sonam serves you with some Himalayan Sound Healing.




Yoga Healing with Dani & Brittany

Friday 31st of May at 7 pm at the Penrith Studio (HALF FULL)

Join in circle with two trauma-informed yoga teachers as they guide you through gentle yoga and hold space for you as you confront and work towards healing whatever is going on personally for you.




We will continue to discuss this exceptionally important subject within our community throughout May, including reminders to make your donation by clicking the direct link or booking into one of the 2 workshops left we are offering in support of it.


If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic or family violence, you can reach out to The Haven for immediate support by clicking here.


Continue to look out for yourself and all those around you, and speak again soon.


Annika xx




50% Complete

Two Step

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