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The yoga of printing

Hello Caroline,


I remember one of my teachers once said something to me that I always reflect back on...


"If you think you got this yoga thing figured out, see how you feel after a weekend with your parents" 


I feel this way also about printing (but also, the parent thing checks out often 🤣)


I spent the first chuck of my working life in management. So I was constantly printing out reports, rosters, and statements. 


I would be printing up a storm, always needing the documents 30 minutes ago.. but then of course the thing would have a hissy fit.


I would go on to spend the next long while sorting it out.


Which to be honest, on someone else's time, was kind of fine I guess. I liked hanging out in the office. It was quiet (I worked in a video game arcade, and it was loud), and no one was looking to redeem any prizes in there.


Fast forward 8 years later, however, me trying to print...

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Candy fueled 4 year olds 🍬

Hey Hey,

It's 36 degrees today (in case you didn't already know 😆).


If you haven't already, please be sure to fill up all your bird baths and put out some ice water for your dear fur babies.


Some (not all, some) of our class teachers will start using the air-conditioning in the studios (and we are getting the aircon fixed at the Penrith studio this Wednesday, yay!).


Moving and grooving in class with some natural heat is wonderful for heart health, stress management, or if you are keen on feeling that little bit extra limber.


In a Vinyasa class we are always working to create heat in the body, it might just mean we will get there a lil faster some days as we head into the Australian summer.

In other news at Nin Yoga, we have two FREE classes this weekend at our studios. 


On Saturday, one of our recent teacher training graduates will be teaching her class to our community (hopefully that includes you!).



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Six years!

Hey There,


Just jumping in here to let you know we have FREE CLASSES next weekend to celebrate our 6TH BIRTHDAY!!


Saturday 23rd September

8 am Pilates at St Marys

8:30am Vinyasa Yoga at Penrith

9:45am Yin Yoga at Penrith

12 pm Beginner Lyra at St Marys

1:30 pm Aerial Yoga at St Marys

4 pm Yin Yang Yoga at St Marys


Sunday 24th September

8 a.m. Meditation at Penrith


To book into any of these classes, you will need to head to our website, or search for Nin Yoga on the Mindbody App.

This picture above came up in my memories on social media, and it made me smile.

I remember baby daddy staying up late, designing this for me. I remember using the print and copy feature at office works for the first time to print it out and feeling really pro about myself.


Dang, I remember how long it took me to create that website on the poster! I remember hating tutorials (I actually don't hate them that much anymore, I've finally learned to be...

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