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Can not think of anything more boring 😴

Hey There,


Yesterday I spent some of the day with our dear teacher Suzie (she starts teaching a regular Sunday night at St Marys in a couple of weeks too btw!), prepping things for the Teacher Training coming up in just under 2 months.


We were talking about why someone would join a Yoga Teacher Training in the first place. Deepen their practice? Career change? Help shift some stuff?


She then started to share about her own journey. How she started yoga at the age of 12 by going to class at the gym with her father, and then leaving right before Savasana to instead to go do chin-ups downstairs 😂


This story reminded me of one of my very first yoga classes also. I think I had justttttt finished high school and a friend of mine asked if I wanted to try yoga.


I don't remember any of the poses we did... except of course... Savasana.


Why would I just lay here for no reason? Why is the teacher telling me to stop?...

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