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Revelations over laundry

nin yoga philsophy yoga Oct 10, 2023

Hey Beautiful,


I was dwelling on the weekend about a comment my baby daddy made to me last week in regard to the last newsletter.


We were sitting in our spare room (also known as the room we dump all of our laundry in) ... folding laundry, and I was talking to him about how I have been feeling overwhelmed (I try not to use the world busy, but life is full at the moment, and sometimes it overflows).


He then went on to mention how he listened to a podcast earlier in the day about 4 ways to relax 😌


It took me a moment (as it usually does with his witty one-liners), to notice that he was talking about the studio "podcast" (the one where I read out this newsletter) and how last week was about four different ways to take mini-meditations throughout the day (if you missed it, you can read it on our studio blog).


At that moment I felt a lil silly. Who am I to give advice on how to be chill?!


Hence the inspo for this...

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What's the Yamas and Niyamas?

niyamas philsophy yamas yoga Aug 14, 2023

There is a bunch of oh so wonderful things that sort of bring together the teachings that are yoga. Things that make yoga that lil more special. The reason why so many come to yoga not just to be able to touch their toes, but to learn more about themselves, and to be able to sit with their discomforts.


One of those layers in that yoga onion, is of course, the Yamas and Niyamas.


Yamas and Niyamas are fundamental principles that first originated from Indian philosophy. They provide guidance on how to live that balanced and fulfilled life we all secretly or not so secretly are striving for, by cultivating certain positive attitudes and behaviors.


You can break them down like this:


1. Yamas: Yamas are moral and ethical guidelines that help us interact harmoniously with others and the world around us.

  • Ahimsa (Non-violence): This is about avoiding harm to others, both physically and emotionally. In everyday life, it means treating others kindly and avoiding...

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