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Happy birds 🐦 happy plants 🌱

august niyamas yamas yoga Aug 15, 2023

Good Morning /Afternoon,


Over the weekend I was having a chat with one of our Yoga Teacher Training students about how it hasn't rained in ages and how we were going to fill up our bird baths.


Well, looky looky here! It rained!


I almost forgot rain was a thing.

It got me thinking... how filling up bird baths feels as much yoga as the pranayama (breathing exercises) teaching practice the students had for their teacher training afternoon (oh and btw, they all totally rocked it! You have some fineeee yoga teachers coming your way in a few months!)


You know when the yoga teacher is like "ITS ALL YOGA!".


Well to us it makes sense... but I am assuming for the student on our two-week trial (there are so many of you at the studio atm, thank you for being with us... please stay, we adore you!), we probably sound a littleeeeeee loopie.


So, why is it "all yoga"?


It's a bunch of things.. one of them is a lil...

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What's the Yamas and Niyamas?

niyamas philsophy yamas yoga Aug 14, 2023

There is a bunch of oh so wonderful things that sort of bring together the teachings that are yoga. Things that make yoga that lil more special. The reason why so many come to yoga not just to be able to touch their toes, but to learn more about themselves, and to be able to sit with their discomforts.


One of those layers in that yoga onion, is of course, the Yamas and Niyamas.


Yamas and Niyamas are fundamental principles that first originated from Indian philosophy. They provide guidance on how to live that balanced and fulfilled life we all secretly or not so secretly are striving for, by cultivating certain positive attitudes and behaviors.


You can break them down like this:


1. Yamas: Yamas are moral and ethical guidelines that help us interact harmoniously with others and the world around us.

  • Ahimsa (Non-violence): This is about avoiding harm to others, both physically and emotionally. In everyday life, it means treating others kindly and avoiding...

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