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How To Not Play Guitar 🎸 Report

nin yoga niyamas studio trial Oct 17, 2023

Hey Hey,


For starters, I just wanted to say a big old thank you to everyone who reached out after last week's newsletter.


Before sending, I was literally thinking "This thing makes no sense but my gut is telling me to hit send so here it goes".


It's been quite the learning curve showing up here every single week. Other than figuring out what to write about every 7 days (I'm coming to realise there is always lots to talk about!), can we also be that consistent? And what does consistency look like as we serve this community?


As someone who has a couple of real-life human babies at home, hanging out in the studio each weeknight like I used to is no longer sustainable.


This has bothered me for quite some time. I felt like an imposter because I couldn't show up on the teacher's mat like I used to.


After a short-lived emo moment about it, because 1) the teachers we do have rock and we are so lucky to have them, and 2)...

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In case you are curious

Welcome to August!


The first thing that came to my head?


A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month NO RETURNS!


Can you believe that this is still winter? I got a suntan over the weekend in my backyard. Shell pool out and Miss 4 years old had her bath out in the sun.


Amongst the pool parties however, we have been busy beavers with a handful of changes at the studios the last week. If you are curious about our updates, here are some below...


Website: We have merged our main website to be on the same platform as our online platform (there are still some glitches to fix but it's mostly done!). This means easier access to all the Nin Yoga things, as well as an opportunity for us to create more online courses. We just offered a Free Vinyasa Krama course, we will also start creating a 4-week online beginner yoga course soon, and our Yoga Teacher Training will have a bunch of resources to reference on there too.


Timetables: We also merged...

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