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What Does "Nin" Even Mean?

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2023

As we come up to our 2nd Birthday and our 3rd studio, we thought it might be nice to share a small snippet of our story.

After completing my 2nd round of teacher training in Rishikesh, India, I started to host some community yoga classes at Colyton neighbourhood Centre every Wednesday. I remember Aaron and I getting there mega early to turn that community centre into a yoga studio. Putting a table cloth on the folding tables, several selections of teas, cups, candles, incense, heaters, cushions, straps, yoga mats, all that jazz.

We did this every Wednesday for a couple of months. The community started to grow and we started to put on more classes, but the pack up and down was a lot of work, sooooooo we started to have a look around and found the St Marys Studio! It was perfect.

Finally, I had a place to channel my creative energy. I decorated the space with everything from our travels, and we were ready to roll.

Even though the lease is in my name, Nin Yoga was definitely a...

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My Name Is Paige, I Am A Yoga Teacher, And I Struggle With Anxiety.

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2023

Am I flexible enough? Am I fit enough? Do I look dumb? Is everyone else struggling this much? Is my breathing too loud? How is the teacher even smiling right now... is this supposed to be easy? Clear my mind? What does that even mean?

Do these thoughts sounds familiar? They are for me. In fact I had thoughts like this almost every minute of every day, not just on my mat.

My name is Paige, I am a Yoga Teacher, and I also struggle with Anxiety.

This is defined as "a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome." And boy did I worry, about everything... ALL the time! 

Many of us suffer from anxiety, sometimes without ever really knowing why we feel this way.

If the thoughts in your head; the self talk, is constantly causing you to plan, worry and not be in the present moment, then you may too have a little anxiety monster...

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What Is Naturopathy? And How Can It Support A Yogi Like Me?

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2023

Naturopathy is an alternative medical system that appreciates the mind, body and spirit. It considers treating the whole person based on their constitution, emotions, experiences, environment, diet and physical symptoms of dis-ease.

Naturopaths have insightful understanding about how to put pieces of the puzzle together to unearth the root cause of dysfunction and look to treat that. It is not about suppressing a cough, but rather soothing the throat and removing what was irritating the lungs in the first place. It is not about numbing pain or masking inflammation, but instead finding what caused it, why it persists and how to resolve the problem to prevent it from coming back. It is an age-old healing practice that nurtures and nourishes the body.

Naturopathy respect to the innate and intelligent healing capability of the body, and merely seeks to facilitate the work of the vital force, prana or qi to restore natural balance, function and energy. Yogis specifically find that this...

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Doing The Thing - The Nin And Maya Podcast

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2023

See below the transcript from the first episode of our Podcast.

You can listen to this episode on Spotify at HERE.

Hello and welcome to episode one of this podcast. I am your host, Annika Saigi, and I thought today for the first episode, we can do a quick intro as well as answer a question I get asked quite often, how do I do it? And maybe if you listen till the end, I'll make a big announcement that's sort of buzzing over on social media as well.

Okay, so who do I identify as? I'm 31-years-old. I identify as a mother to Maya, who is two-years-old. My mother is an immigrant from Thailand and my father is an immigrant from Hungary. I was born in Melbourne, then moved to Sydney at an early age... and Sydney as in Western Sydney. So the three yoga studios at the moment are located in St. Marys, Blacktown and Mount Druitt. I have lived in all three of these suburbs.

When I was in school, I always thought I would leave Western Sydney and go live overseas and do all of those wild things....

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